Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday The 13th Gematria

Friday The 13th Gematria:  North Side Puppet Masters

Date Numerology for this October Friday The 13th

Why today on Friday the 13th do we get this mundane Alberta focused news with so much happening in the Middle East right now?  What if I told you it has do with Internet Censorship, The Jesuit Order and tricking the public by with-holding information?  Would you believe me?  

Okay so stories like this need to be categorized correctly.  They are 'foot-holders' or dates to keep in mind when the next "Big Drama" unfolds in the news probably in the next coming days with all the MSM overkill we have been getting in the past few years. 

Quick Summary Before The Show

Okay but let's take this one step at a time here.  Let's start off with what happened?  Bill C 69 was finally ruled as 'unconstitutional' from Canadian Supreme Court.  A bill that was previous governed essentially by the 'Impact Assessment Act'

So now in Canada the question becomes which mob takes action first in this environmentally-tied financial jungle to get their foot in the door for those shady 'designated projects' that can only be approved by vetted and hand-picked representatives?

Before we get there, lets take a look at some of the interesting numerology and narrative ties that this story has which may be one of the reasons it was created in my opinion.

Judge Wagner's Group: 

'Wagner' was one of the judges who was quoted for writing that Bill C 69 was largely 'unconstitutional'.  What your seeing below is his birthday till when this bill was basically declined today which is a span of 194 days. 

Designated Projects = 194

This 'Designated Projects' was keyword used relating to Bill C 69 and how those powerful 'elites' were being restrained in theory.  In practice, good luck stopping one of the 'Black Guelph Nobility' when they want something.  Meaning I think this is definitely a front for the public to think the government did not lose complete control of the environment, literally.   

On April 2nd or 4/2, when Judge Wagner was born, symbolizes the number 42

Jesuit = 84 & 42 

(Ties To Jesuit Order)

Libra = 42  
Libra is a symbol for 'blind justice' and definitely played a factor when they were putting together this narrative. 

In astrology, Jupiter's symbol is 42 and Jupiter in Roman mythology is the King of the Gods who sits on the highest position in Mount Olympus.  Could the narrative be drawing on archaic motifs such as this to illustrate and mentally manufacture the idea that its a battle of the high power of 'Judge Wagner vs The Mystery Elites' looking to control Canadian soil?  Who benefits in the end is my question!  

More on Wagner & Alberta's Gematria Ties

Judge Wagner's birthday this year added up to 13 which would be the date today (Friday the 13th) used for him to shine for justice during a time where so much is happening on our planet.  

Alberta is the province that this effects the most as Bill C 69 effects their pipeline infrastructure directly.  It nearly begs the question of; "Are you willing to be led to believe that Alberta also equaling 130 and this story coming on the 13th have nothing to do with each other?"  Especially when considering this Bill C 69 has been in effect causing problems for years now, why today?  

Also to you the reader I have a question for you.  Was Sir Jean De BreBouf  (the name of the person Wagner's college is accredited to) a jesuit? 

 short answer is yes! yes! 1000x yes!

That means that Wagner was educated at a Jesuit school.  

 In reality that means that there is a very good chance Wagner himself is a Jesuit and why these day spans linking to Gematria would make sense to put into this coverage. 

Side Note

  If you are not aware, in the 1500s, the Jesuit Order along with the calendar, world map, chronological timeline, heliocentric beliefs  and the Gregorian calendar, all came. 

(This blog in no way or shape thinks 42 is the answer to everything, see below for why)

(Was the website who penned in that '42 = basically freedom' be using a form of public mockery?) 

Side Note: 

Jesuits were key players in the New World Slavery that happened between the controversial years of 1619 - present in the Americas.  More on this on another blog but the point is 42 and slavery tie together in the same cipher as the term Jesuit and for good reason in my opinion.

The 333 Connections & Digital Masonic Vow of Silence: 

 Bill C11 and Saturnalia

Bill C-11 that invoked Big Brothers version of the 'Heavily Surveillance'd Silk Road' started in Canada officially on April 27th 2023, sharing the same day as the laying of the Foundation stone of Westminster being laid in London back in 1840, and is the same day that Barack Obama released his "Birth Certificate" info in 2014. 

Its a day those that think they are in control like to toy with the public particularly as you can see.   It also marks 333 days before the start of the 'Festival of Saturnalia' on December 17th - 24th.  It also is the The First Jesuit Pope's Birthday.  

It relates to this news with the narrative discussing the 'environmental impact legislation' which = 333.

From the initiation of Global Surveillance's western MSM narrative on the 27th of April till this new bill coming down as 'unconstitutional' is a span of 170 days.   

Ottawa = 17

17 Days between The Society of Jesus's Birthday and when the Bill C 69 was declined but was brought up in MSM press coverage today.

 There is 79 days left in the year when the Bill C 69 was declined. The 79 also represents the 'Society of Jesus'. 

In Reverse - 'Lockdown' and 'unconstitutional' = 97

79 = 22nd prime number, 97 = 25th prime number 

IAA = 25 and in it's full title, the 'Impact Assessment Act' = 220 similar to '22' having matching sequences to the primes relating to the Society of Jesus as Friday The 13th  .

Friday the 13th has a lot to do with the term 'unconstitutional' whereas it is the very same day that: 

1. Emperor Nero (the murderer) came to power in 54 AD 

2. French King Philip IV has Grand Master Jacques de Molay and Knights Templar arrested and charged with idolatry and corruption (716th year)

3. International Meridian Conference in Washington DC establishes Greenwich in London, England as the universal time meridian of longitude

4. 1st Baseball World Series: Boston Americans beat Pittsburgh Pirates, 3-0 in Game 8 (Gematria = 38) at Huntington Avenue for a 5-3 series victory 1903

5. US 1st army begins battle of Aachen, first German city captured during World War II

6.  Italy declares war on former Axis partner Germany

7. CopiapĆ³ mining accident in Chile comes to a happy end as all 33 miners arrive at the surface after surviving a record 69 days underground

8. Simone Biles becomes the most decorated gymnast in history when she wins record 25th medal at the World Championships in Stuttgart, Germany

3 / 8 listed have something to do with Germany and just so that we are on the same page here;

 Gematria = 38

Germany, specifically its public who is unaware to the occult-based themes, have been exploited in the headlines on this particular day a lot and that could be for a good reason...

Gematria 38, Germany 38

Lastly there was the Germanic ties to the day span between the Nazi in Parliament fiasco on the 22nd of September till the Bill C-69 defeat which was a span of 22 days.  

As previously mentioned: 'Impact Assessment Act' = 220

As well as...

The world is staging for something bigger in relation to National Security and these sorts of contrived narratives are here to garner our manufactured consent.   This blog, and others like it, represent the truth regarding the left-field occult ties towards our daily news, so to afford you a chance to see how scripted our news really is.

I'll be covering this on Rumble plus more that I saw that I just didn't have time to put down here.  Check it all out below:

Follow Me On Twitter: @SolN9ne 

Follow Me On Rumble

Interesting Links: 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

KayFabe, Sept 22nd and The Nazis


Related to Sept 22nd 2023:

(9) + (22) + (20) + (23) = 74

(9) + (22) + 2+0+2+3 = 38

9 + 2+2 + 2+0+2+3 = 20

(9) + (22) + (23) = 54

9 + 2+2 + 2+3 = 18

Day of Year: (Sep-22) = 265

Days Left in Year: (Sep-22) = 100

9 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 432

9 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 216

KayFabe, Sept 22nd and The Nazis

So let's start off with something simple shall we?  A term we are already familiar with from our contrived history books is the term: "Nazi".  For those of you who may not know, there was a full-fledged Nazi honored in Canadian Parliament on Sept 22nd and I for one do not think it's random.  

Let's take a look why I feel this way:

September 22nd left 100 days in the year.  There are not a lot of terms that equal 100 flat on the nose so let's take a look at a few who do: 

Nazism = 100

Gematria = 100

The Order = 100

What value does this  have by itself?  Little to none and could be associated with a coincidence but there are a few more coincidences I wanted to go over.  Sept 22nd was also the 265th day of the year

Waffen = 265

Waffen = 265 in the Satanic Cipher, a cipher spawned by the mind of Aleister Crowley - the Most Wickedest Man In The World.   He died 2 years after the war and his cipher plays a key with deciphering why Sept 22nd was the date for this and not another arbitrary day.  It was "Planned in Advance" in other words.  

So one way of looking at this through a Gematria lens would be like this; "Sept 22nd 2023 is the 265th day leaving 100 days left, therefore value to term wise (using Gematria ciphers) = The Pope/The Society of Jesus or Waffen/Society of Jesus or Waffen/Gematria".  What I'm illustrating here is the "theme" picked for the day from the ones orchestrating the blatant events. 

The Nazi's wanted to be like the Jesuits and the Jesuits use Kabbalah as a lot of them pretend to be a part of a religion they really are not a part of.  As in they took kabbalah practices from the Ancient Mystery Schools and disguise themselves as Catholics but have a completely separate practice at the higher levels and belief than what you or I grew up in while going to church.  Part of the "kabbalah practices" involve Gematria and its use in the calendar.  

Okay so a big part of covert action and just plain and simple "keeping things secret" comes down to playing it out or acting in a way that would lead folks away from the truth.  For instance "not knowing" that there was a Nazi in parliament. 

There is a term for that and it is called "Kayfabe"

In short "Kayfabe" is used to enact thrill/suspense/outrage/violence etc. from a real audience. It has been used in politics, and they have it down to a science, check out this YouTube video here for more reference: 

So lets take a break and summarize what we have so far.  In short there are two ways to look at this: 

1. Gematria doesn't exist and just because the Day of The Year and Remaining Days of the Year both corresponded with "Waffen/Gematria" for instance, doesn't mean anything and the main stream narrative of it being an accident is completely believable.

2.  There is something to Gematria, it's confusing why Jesuits who were Converso-Babylonians turned religious military order would be the champion for the Nazi's but nonetheless, Kabbalah may play a part as to why Sept 22nd was chosen and not another date.  As well as Trudeau and his cabinet knew months ahead about this and put on some sort of "ruse" or "kayfabe" to create global outrage possibly leading to stricter ID laws in the future for the public while entering government buildings. 

If you chose the first option this is where we say goodbye.  For all others please continue reading.  

The "Hardeep Singh Nijjar" Connection

 For all who don't know the Sikh community here in Canada was hit hard with news regarding an assassination of their leader. He was shot while coming out of their "church" which is called a Temple. It happened on June 18th

6 + 1+8 + 2+0+2+3 = 22

Shoot = 22

The shooting was blamed on the Indian Government but no actual murderer has been named for the killing.  Meaning its still open to public speculation as to who killed him and why.  

Let's take a look at the '95' you see there.  That '95' is embedded into the psyche of the Jesuit Order as they were established with a date leaving 95 days left in the year to battle the 'Die 95 Thesen' from Martin Luther (who I suspect was controlled opposition, another blog for another time). 

Nazi Appearance to Trudeaus Bday

Another 95 span to consider is Trudeau's birthday which is 95 days after this event took place.  This doesn't conclude the results of what happened.  All we have to go off of is the mainstream news and this just gives you another perspective to think of that relates to a hidden viewpoint. 

84 Days Later India Conflict on 9/9

84 Days Later

84 Days Later

Time Span

84 Days Later

Now the Yaroslav Hunka did not make his guest star appearance until Sept 22nd but what I think this would elude to is the stage being set for 13 days later when we have this 'Nazi In Parliament' fiasco.

To make an even more clearer connection between these to supposedly separate narratives is the last name 'Nijjar' which also equals 100 similar to Sept 22nd which leaves 100 days left in the year.  The main part of this is Trudeau's connection to both stories.  One he denies any involvement in when his party was the one who set it all up, the other he's directly implicating India into war crimes without any evidence, which is absurd.   

Nijjar = 100 Like Sept 22nd

 The connections here are setting the stage for rising global tensions between allied nations during a time where we already have The KayFabe War Of The Century starring Zelensky and Putin.   I'll be coming out with another blog regarding the Ukraine Russian War and some occult connections.

Other Odd Connections: 

Other Odd Connections

 Even More Weird Connections: 

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