Showing posts with label Craig Wright. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Craig Wright. Show all posts

Friday, March 29, 2024

7 Years 40 Weeks later $7.4 Million of Craig Wright $ Frozen


$7.4 Million of Craig Wright's Assets Frozen

For all that don't know, there has been an active "Bitcoin Creator Trial" starring names like Jack Dorsey, Ex....X/Twitter CEO, MicroStrategys and Craig Wright, the guy who claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto and had 7.4 Million frozen in assets today. 

We will be breaking down the numerology behind this perceived "trial". 

Jack Dorsey

 Let's start off nice and easy


Feb 5th 330 left

The word "Trial" has a connection to the number 33 that dates back to the founding of our Western Nations and is directly connected to Masonry.  This was also the date that the "Bitcoin Creator Trial" began.

Mason 33


Does this connection to Trial and Cryptocurrency truly surprise you?

Trial Begins

Craig Wright

Craig Wright is a professed billionaire with close ties to the 'international market' and claimed to be the creator of Bitcoin back in May 2nd 2016

May 2nd 2016


Remember how much he got frozen in assets? $7.4 Million? 

Well check this out: 

7 Years 40 Weeks


From May 2nd 2016, or 5/2 till Feb 5th 2024, or 2/5 is a span of 7 years and 40 weeks.  

Gematria 74


Jonathan Hough

Jonathan Hough is the attorney acting on behalf of Jack Dorsey and others for this trial.  Jack Dorsey as we all know was the former CEO of Twitter: 


Jack Dorsey 47

Today, March 29th 2024 is the 89th day of this leap year: 


With the 'Trial' centering around Satoshi Nakamoto you can see this is definitely a 'kayfabe' or a fake event played out as if its real: 


It's today that they let us know that he's getting $7.4 M frozen...

54 Days Into The Trial: 

54 Lesson

Matthew Perry

Def Jam

Jesuit Order

Need I say more?

Follow Me On Twitter: @SolN9ne 

Follow Me On Rumble


Remember that 5/2 and 2/5? Both being on a Monday?: 

Money Monday

crypto 52


 Are you sure they aren't using Gematria?

KayFabe Definition:

Kayfabe is a term most closely associated with professional show wrestling. It's a code word for fake; an agreement for the insiders not to admit to the outsiders that it's fake.

Eric Weinstein has popularized the term among intellectual spheres and compared politics to pro wrestling, in the sense that maintaining perceptions seems to be the main objective. For example, consider a President who wants to get re-elected or win back the public acceptance. They want to highlight all the good they've done for the country. The President could claim responsibility for something positive (like economic growth) even when they've had no part in it, or they could outright lie that the country/economy is doing well, even when it isn't. Reality doesn't matter, perception does.


Extra Extra's:

Does the term 'Frozen' have anything to do with BTC price sitting at nearly $70K right now at the making of this blog?  Are they priming us for a BTC drop later this year?

March 29th BTC Price

Jon Benet Ramsey Netflix Gematria

  Tragedies happen to us as a society far to often.  Sometimes these tragedies make it to the right channels and authorities involved solve ...