Showing posts with label BTC Transactions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BTC Transactions. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Bitcoin breaks its all-time record for daily transactions amid surging interest in new network protocol


(5) + (2) + (20) + (23) = 50

(5) + (2) + 2+0+2+3 = 14

(5) + (2) + (23) = 30

5 + 2 + 2+3 = 12

Day of Year: (May-2) = 122

5 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 120

5 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 60

BTC All Time High Transactions

  Three weeks and six days after Satoshi Nakamoto's absolutely real birthday, Bitcoin now sports a brand new record in transactions.  BTC has just announced a new level 2 protocol that will optimize the blockchains speed on transactions.  The news of this comes during an absolute free fall in price compared to where it was a week ago.   Wanna bet some of the figures in this story are tied esoterically?   Let's go double or nothing and see whether or not this ties to Satoshi Nakamoto at all. 

 Span of Time: Nakamoto's Bday to ATH BTC Transactions

  Nakamoto's birthday which falls on April 5th, he's an Aries, was 3 weeks and 6 days ago or another way to put that is 27 days.  Okay now time for your simple esoteric connections, ready?


BTC 72 Ordinal and 36 in Reduction Ciphers

  Take your average English alphabet and number each letter from 1 to 26.  Then do it again but this time add the numbers between any integers to reduce them to 1 integer...or just use this calculator.  Type in the word Bitcoin, what values do you get in Gematria?

Hidden Numbers and Nakamoto

 Basically the point is, this may have been planned news.  The end.  But wait there is even more to this!  To double down on the deception of the story they added "real figures" 

 Take a look: 

 This is how you hide messages in a story.  Take an abstract number like 682.3K , a number we just don't come across on a regular basis like we do 5 or 15.  6823 is the 877th prime,  what I've noticed is that two digit or three digit prime numbers hidden within a number (like what we see here) usually connect to a coded message.  

  Most people aren't going to look past that bigger number but here is the 877 connections to the elite:


Now lets see what 877 reduces to and connects to: 

877 the 151st Prime

Crypto 151

And now lets see how 151 reduces: 

With 151 reducing to 36 we can see the clear connections to Nakamoto's birthday on April 5th.  What does that all mean?  Basically the figures in this story may not be real at all.  Bitcoin may not  have gotten any sort of traction on that day particularly that the average person can prove beyond a reason of a doubt and a group could be manipulating that price.

Jon Benet Ramsey Netflix Gematria

  Tragedies happen to us as a society far to often.  Sometimes these tragedies make it to the right channels and authorities involved solve ...