Related to Sept 22nd 2023:
(9) + (22) + (20) + (23) = 74
(9) + (22) + 2+0+2+3 = 38
9 + 2+2 + 2+0+2+3 = 20
(9) + (22) + (23) = 54
9 + 2+2 + 2+3 = 18
Day of Year: (Sep-22) = 265
Days Left in Year: (Sep-22) = 100
9 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 432
9 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 216
KayFabe, Sept 22nd and The Nazis
So let's start off with something simple shall we? A term we are already familiar with from our contrived history books is the term: "Nazi". For those of you who may not know, there was a full-fledged Nazi honored in Canadian Parliament on Sept 22nd and I for one do not think it's random.
Let's take a look why I feel this way:
September 22nd left 100 days in the year. There are not a lot of terms that equal 100 flat on the nose so let's take a look at a few who do:
Waffen = 265 in the Satanic Cipher, a cipher spawned by the mind of Aleister Crowley - the Most Wickedest Man In The World. He died 2 years after the war and his cipher plays a key with deciphering why Sept 22nd was the date for this and not another arbitrary day. It was "Planned in Advance" in other words.
So one way of looking at this through a Gematria lens would be like this; "Sept 22nd 2023 is the 265th day leaving 100 days left, therefore value to term wise (using Gematria ciphers) = The Pope/The Society of Jesus or Waffen/Society of Jesus or Waffen/Gematria". What I'm illustrating here is the "theme" picked for the day from the ones orchestrating the blatant events.
The Nazi's wanted to be like the Jesuits and the Jesuits use Kabbalah as a lot of them pretend to be a part of a religion they really are not a part of. As in they took kabbalah practices from the Ancient Mystery Schools and disguise themselves as Catholics but have a completely separate practice at the higher levels and belief than what you or I grew up in while going to church. Part of the "kabbalah practices" involve Gematria and its use in the calendar.
Okay so a big part of covert action and just plain and simple "keeping things secret" comes down to playing it out or acting in a way that would lead folks away from the truth. For instance "not knowing" that there was a Nazi in parliament.
There is a term for that and it is called "Kayfabe"
The "Hardeep Singh Nijjar" Connection
The connections here are setting the stage for rising global tensions between allied nations during a time where we already have The KayFabe War Of The Century starring Zelensky and Putin. I'll be coming out with another blog regarding the Ukraine Russian War and some occult connections.
Other Odd Connections:
If this is your first time ever hearing about Gematria there is a definition summary and a link to a Wiki page about it below. Here are a few more links to illustrate the practicality of "Kabbalahists" using Numerology and the link between Jesuits and Kabbalah.
The Jesuits & Their Gematria Rituals (YOUTUBE)
How the Kabbalist Jews took over the Roman Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order
Fourth Vow Jesuits (their "About Us")
Quick Definition on Gematria:
Gematria is the practice of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase by reading it as a number, or sometimes by using an alphanumerical cipher. (more on this here).
Theory of Gematria's Practical Use In Modern Times
Gematria, as well as other kabbalistic practices were stolen from the original folks who used it and added into the practices of another group that we identify as The Order. They are the covert, radical military company in relation to the hierarchy of religion who has a strangle hold on the global narrative and agenda.
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