Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Bitcoin bulls grill $31K as Fidelity ETF move fuels BTC price strength


Bitcoin bulls grill $31K as Fidelity ETF move fuels BTC price strength

(6) + (27) + (23) = 56

* I usually put up the other numbers but today this is the one that sticks out the most

Day of Year: (Jun-27) = 178

Days Left in Year: (Jun-27) = 187

Fidelity Investments & Gematria Ciphers

 If you've been following some of the posts I've been doing, follow #Gematria on Twitter or just watch Zach Vids, you know by now that there is something to the code of Gematria and our headlines in the daily news.  

Price Pump

At the current making of this video, Bitcoin has gained 11.54% in the last month now sitting at $30.8K or $31K if you round up (which Cointelegraph did).  That price is being impacted by what some are describing as an ETF from Fidelity.  So it begs the question, who is Fidelity and how are they making such a dramatic impact on today of all days? 

Catholic Reverse Cipher

Fidelity Investment Wiki

So as you can see, Fidelity started in 46' and you can see Catholic = 46.  Edward Crosby Johnson II who started Fidelity Investments progress into what we know it to be today, created the company 48 years and 103 days after his birth on Jan 19th 1898....or 1/19 another 911 reference in our narrative from the elite.  The 103 is strange, not only because its the 27th prime number (Jesuit Day is the 27th day in Sept.), but it's also what the company is worth today - 10.3 Trillion.  What a coincidence right?

Most people who read that last part will probably want to mention this as a coincidence but its a bit stranger than that unfortunately. 

In 2011 they decided to change their name from Fidelity International to Fidelity Worldwide Investment which = 137 or the 33rd prime number. This is relevant when in you take into account that 4440 days after that is today, the day that the first every Bitcoin ETF was launched : 

First Ever Bitcoin ETF
Gematria 444

Gematria 444

In the Sumerian cipher, Gematria = 444 similar to the day-span between them changing their logo to the one-eyed symbolism they have now. 

Logo since 2011


Fidelity Investments Birthday And Bitcoins Present Day Bull Run

 So now you know a bit more about Fidelity's numerology-based past to get you more familiar.  Lets take a look at Fidelity's past birthday till when Bitcoin "popped off". 

Fidelity May 1st 2023

Secret society = 58 
Scottish Rite Freemasonry = 127 
Fidelity Digital Asset Services = 127 

Fidelity Digital Asset Services

There are clear number ties towards that day-span in two different ways of discerning the length of time.  Either by straight day counting or mixing it with the month.  Lets not over look what 127's properties are. 



Do you remember that the first 15 minutes of the ETF garnered $4.2M in trades? Take a look at that 24 in slave, a term that ties to the number 127 as well...

 There is more to say about this and will be posting a Rumble so look out for that and if you do not already please support me on Twitter by following the page. 

Ty for reading as always.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Is Bitcoin Heading Below $26K?

(6) + (5) + (20) + (23) = 54

(6) + (5) + 2+0+2+3 = 18 

6 + 5 + 2+0+2+3 = 18

(6) + (5) + (23) = 34

6 + 5 + 2+3 = 16

Day of Year: (Jun-5) = 156

Days Left in Year: (Jun-5) = 209

6 × 5 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 360

6 × 5 × 2 × 3 = 18

Bitcoin Price June 5th
How is it possible to have slipped like this after so much bullish news? 

 Two Months After Satoshi's Birthday

Back in the blog I wrote on April 11th - I discussed some "soft futures" for May 31st and possible outcomes for the crypto market as a whole.  A lot of what I was discussing center focused on Bitcoin and its Altcoins "moon-ing" or just out performing BTC at that time.  (you can check out the article here)

Solana Price Chart
How is it possible I was correct about Altcoins outperforming BTC on May 31st predicted on April 11th? It's not Magic trust!

Okay let's look at the reasons we are getting. 

Binance Sued from SEC

Wow what shocker?  Welp that explains the price - the end.  But there is always more to these sorts of things.  First lets take a look at the main actor, the SEC.  Did you know they sued Binance a day before their 89th anniversary?  

SEC Founding Date
SEC Founding Date To Binance Case
Nakamoto and 89

With Satoshi Nakamoto also equaling 89, it's gotta raise some eyebrows as to what is going on with the charts and more over the price manipulation.  No its not the SEC manipulating the price but I do suspect the Jesuit Order or some sort of tech savvy-satellite subgroup branch off of the actual Order. 

What makes me so suspicious of that?  Well let's take a look at the secondary actor or the defendant in this theater play "" Gematria

This is a pic from my Twitter Account you can always check out and DM me.  You can see and Society of Jesus nearly parallel with these base cipher breakdowns.  

 With it being the 5th of June and equaling 56, there's no coincidence their name was called today by the SEC.  

Remember that date numerology?  Specifically that 54 and 18? 

SEC equals 54 and 18

(6) + (5) + (20) + (23) = 54 - 6 + 5 + 2+0+2+3 = 18

Sun equals 54 and 18

This is a Sun worship ritual symbolically.  Speaking of ritual what about Changpeng Zhao (46 and name equals 46) and his birthday being 4 months ago exactly on Feb 5th?

Changpeng Zhao birthday

Wait a second, what is BTC trading at today again?  $25K?  What another coincidence, just like his birthday on Feb 5th! 

There is more to cover regarding this story and just the over all fake-ness provided to us by the news media.  I'm going to do a Rumble on this soon and posted the links below.  As always, ty for reading.   


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Bitcoin breaks its all-time record for daily transactions amid surging interest in new network protocol


(5) + (2) + (20) + (23) = 50

(5) + (2) + 2+0+2+3 = 14

(5) + (2) + (23) = 30

5 + 2 + 2+3 = 12

Day of Year: (May-2) = 122

5 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 120

5 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 60

BTC All Time High Transactions

  Three weeks and six days after Satoshi Nakamoto's absolutely real birthday, Bitcoin now sports a brand new record in transactions.  BTC has just announced a new level 2 protocol that will optimize the blockchains speed on transactions.  The news of this comes during an absolute free fall in price compared to where it was a week ago.   Wanna bet some of the figures in this story are tied esoterically?   Let's go double or nothing and see whether or not this ties to Satoshi Nakamoto at all. 

 Span of Time: Nakamoto's Bday to ATH BTC Transactions

  Nakamoto's birthday which falls on April 5th, he's an Aries, was 3 weeks and 6 days ago or another way to put that is 27 days.  Okay now time for your simple esoteric connections, ready?


BTC 72 Ordinal and 36 in Reduction Ciphers

  Take your average English alphabet and number each letter from 1 to 26.  Then do it again but this time add the numbers between any integers to reduce them to 1 integer...or just use this calculator.  Type in the word Bitcoin, what values do you get in Gematria?

Hidden Numbers and Nakamoto

 Basically the point is, this may have been planned news.  The end.  But wait there is even more to this!  To double down on the deception of the story they added "real figures" 

 Take a look: 

 This is how you hide messages in a story.  Take an abstract number like 682.3K , a number we just don't come across on a regular basis like we do 5 or 15.  6823 is the 877th prime,  what I've noticed is that two digit or three digit prime numbers hidden within a number (like what we see here) usually connect to a coded message.  

  Most people aren't going to look past that bigger number but here is the 877 connections to the elite:


Now lets see what 877 reduces to and connects to: 

877 the 151st Prime

Crypto 151

And now lets see how 151 reduces: 

With 151 reducing to 36 we can see the clear connections to Nakamoto's birthday on April 5th.  What does that all mean?  Basically the figures in this story may not be real at all.  Bitcoin may not  have gotten any sort of traction on that day particularly that the average person can prove beyond a reason of a doubt and a group could be manipulating that price.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Theft of Bitcoin that topped $3 billion in value leads to one-year prison sentence for James Zhong?

Theft of Bitcoin that topped $3 billion in value leads to one-year prison sentence for James Zhong?

Day of Year: (Apr-14) = 104

Days Left in Year: (Apr-14) = 261 

(4) + (14) + (20) + (23) = 61 (18th prime*

(4) + (14) + 2+0+2+3 = 25

4 + 1+4 + 2+0+2+3 = 16

(4) + (14) + (23) = 41

4 + 1+4 + 2+3 = 14

4 × 1 × 4 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 192

4 × 1 × 4 × 2 × 3 = 96

 The week after Good Friday, we have another huge crypto arrest this time out of New York where a man was arrest for stealing 3.4 Billion dollars worth of crypto from a crooked website back in 2012.  The story goes onto detail how "James Zhong", 32 was sentenced for one year.  The weird parts are the breakdowns on when this went down, some of the article details and strange connections to a suddenly bullish Bitcoin & cryptocurrency market. 

Date Numerology:  Deeper Look  

Gotta remember Friday April 14th was the is the 104th day of the year.  Check out some of the connections. 

104 connections 

New York = 104 - this is where the sentencing took place

New York = 104

Finance = 104 

Finance = 104

The Pope = 104 

The Pope = 104

Jesuit = 104 

Jesuit = 104

These connections play out throughout the story but lets continue:

(4) + (14) + (20) + (23) = 61 (18th prime*

The terms "prison sentence" or "one year sentence" both = 61 in chaldean 

61 = 18

money = 18* most common theme in the story 

money = 18* most common theme in the story

(4) + (14) + 2+0+2+3 = 25

BTC = 25*

(4) + (14) + 2+0+2+3 = 25

China = 25* 

Altcoin = 25* 

3.4 Billion?...

Altcoin = 25*

Cheetos = 34 , 261 Days Left in the year... 

The 152 and 41 show up later

  The narrative goes onto tie Zhong to being bullied because of his ethnicity before he had hacked for the Bitcoin back in 2012.  This comes on a date that features the number 34 prominently in the headlines.  A number symbolically tied to crypto.  Crypto Gematria...

An example of some more weird connections - he was arrested by the FBI on the 7th of November,  the 311th day of the year 

Federal = 311 

Federal = 311

Being that 311 is the 64th prime number and not linking anything else that also equals 64, reminds me of the 6th of April if just taking the number 64 as a calendar date oppose to just a number.  Why not June 4th?  Hasn't happened yet as of the writing of this blog.  Check out what happened April 6th to see why I'm talking about it.

Zhong & "Silk Road" Owner - Ulbrichts Connections

Remember James Zhong  is 32 years old?  Coincidentally the date numerology being 16:

4 + 1+4 + 2+0+2+3 = 16

 (16 x 2 = 32 ) links to that.

$16 million spent on clubs - Zhong spending links to Ulbrichts birthday this year who is connected to the narrative.

His birthday this year: (3) + (27) + (23) = 53

Crypto Jew = 160

Judge Gardephe & Zhong Connections

  That out of place 152 is a "numerology reduced" 1520.  In numerology when figuring out esoteric connections - you are allowed to ignore or keep the zero. 1520 is actually the 32nd pentagonal number just like his age.   


Gardephe = 152 

Span of Judge Paul G Gardephe birthday from Oct 17th 22 till Apr 14th 23 is 179 days 

179 = 41st prime - matches date numerology 

5 months 28 days - 528 is the 32nd triangular number 

Zhong is 32 years old at the time of his sentencing

Paul Gardephe = 57 in reverse reduction (from the time of the arrest till sentencing 5 months 7 days) 

Paul Gardephe = 21  

Nakamoto Connections

Lets take it from the time Zhong was arrested on Nov 7th till April 14th.  It was 22 weeks 4 days, which is the same as 5 months and 7 days. Or 158 day time span between his birthday and the arrest.

Satoshi Nakamoto = 224, 158

Ross William Ulbricht

Ross William Ulbricht = 270 

A quick overview of Ulbricht: born on the 27th of March, created Silk Road - BTC pirating site among other things.   Locked up for life in prison.  I'm going to do a decode on just him and his timeline in relation to bitcoin and crypto soon but lets keep going.

Zhong stole from Ulbricht and kick started this investigation which led to an arrest.  Zhongs arrest in reality, is connected to Silk Road as one of the last people to still have something to do with the now downed website and creator.  Taking that into account lets check out the birthday span.  From Ulbricht Birthday this year till anniversary of Zhong Arrest on 11/7/2023 this year coming:

in reverse order: 12 days 7 months

127 is the 31st prime number (31 is the 11th prime number, arrested in the 11th month)

Silk Road = 127  

Georgia = 127 

From the time the intelligence community found out about the site Silk Road on Jan 27th, 2011 till when Zhong got sentenced was exactly 12 years and 77 days  or 



206th prime 

Crypto Jews = 206 

Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 206 

Ross William Ulbricht = 414 

  I'm going to be doing a Rumble video on just this blog because of the details.  It may take some explaining to really drive home the point.  Click the link below to check that out and follow me on Twitter for more.  Be sure to leave a comment and thank you for reading as always.


(4) + (14) + (20) + (23) = 61

(4) + (14) + 2+0+2+3 = 25

Jon Benet Ramsey Netflix Gematria

  Tragedies happen to us as a society far to often.  Sometimes these tragedies make it to the right channels and authorities involved solve ...