Saturday, April 8, 2023

Canada is sitting on a critical minerals motherlode. But is it ready for the new gold rush?


Link To Article

Date Numerology: 

  •   Day of Year: (Apr-8) = 98
  • Days Left in Year: (Apr-8) = 267
  • (4) + (8) + 2+0+2+3 = 19
  • (4) + (8) + (20) + (23) = 55
  • (4) + (8) + (23) = 35
  • 4 + 8 + 2+3 = 17
  • 4 × 8 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 384
  • 4 × 8 × 2 × 3 = 192

    Graphite, Lac des Iles &48 

    Graphite is the main subject of the title and, well take a look: 

Graphite 48 on April 8th

 This article discusses the existence of a mine, that has not been in operation for 12 years, out in Lac des Iles, Quebec.  What do you think the chances are that this exact place matches the date numerology today?  

Date numerology and location

Let's get a look at the date again: (4) + (6) + (23) = 35, Days Left in Year: (Apr-8) = 267

 The graphite in this article is suppose to embody a "Gold Rush":
Gold Rush 384

 Which of course needs to match the date numerology.  Lets look at a paralleled example.  Lets take the term "Graphite Rush"  which is a play on words to the word "Gold Rush" used in the story.  Lets see how a quick substitution - while staying on narrative, negatively effects the date numerology from syncing up: 

Graphite Rush

 The only thing that would match with what was reported in the story is the $150 Million being asked for fund this mining project.  That being said, its arbitrary towards the date and could be passed off as random chance or coincidence.  The fact that these terms "Gold Rush"  or terms from previous blogs not just align with the date but details of the story themselves or other related stories, may be the work of artists studied in the science of numerology and not just chance.

 Let's take a look at another example from the story: 

 How about the CEO of Northern Graphite, a man with no wiki or Google Business Profile listing or photo on LinkedIn - Hugues Jacquemin, does he equal the date numerology?  
Hughes Jacquemin Chaldean 55
(4) + (8) + (20) + (23) = 55, looks like we have a match.   Please remember that fundamental math wasn't invented by man according to ancient & modern texts, but discovered.  Here are two examples of this: 

 The use of coded language in our ancient history predating any use of monotheism will be saved for another blog.  Are we being publicly exposed to encoded articles?

Twitter: @soln9ne 


    Friday, April 7, 2023

    Apple has hidden a Bitcoin manifesto in every Mac since 2018?


    Date Numerology: 

    •   Day of Year: (Apr-6) = 96
    • Days Left in Year: (Apr-4) = 269
    • (4) + (6) + 2+0+2+3 = 17
    • (4) + (6) + (20) + (23) = 53
    • (4) + (6) + (23) = 33
    • 4 + 6 + 2+3 = 15
    Apple Mac Manifesto

    The Number 96, 46 & Manifestos

     After getting tons of 46's in the previous post (click here), there is yet another tie but this time to a different story on the same day.  April 6th is the 96th day of the year and the term "Bitcoin Manifesto" also equals 96

    BTC Manifesto

     So does the company Apple (scroll below) in Gematria.  The fact that they show up together on the same day that equals their values is hard to take as pure chance.   But that's my opinion what do you think?

     Now as your already aware, this went down yesterday; April 6th or 4/6 or simply represented as 46. The man that broke this story wide open(!) also equals 46 take a look: 

      Notice the 111 in the Cipher X section.  This will come up later when talking about Tim Cook.  That being said the six hundred pound gorilla in the room is the double 46's.  Why couldn't the Bitcoin Manifesto Drama 2023 come out another day outside of today?   What are the odds? 

      For a consolation prize - the name; "Satoshi" also comes up as 46 in Single Reduction.  To understand this cipher quickly, lets take the letter "S".  S is the 19th letter of the alphabet and when reducing in the Reduction cipher (its a darker blueberry blue) you reduce twice so "S" would equal: 

    (1+9 = 10 = 1+0= 1, therefore "S" = 1)  

    In the Single Reduction (the one with "Satoshi" above) you do that step once: 

      (1+9 = 10, therefore "S"=10)  

     Why bring this up?  It would take some careful scripting to make sure that Satoshi's name came up on 46 as far as huge Bitcoin news the day the 199 Clergy were found guilty.  If your not going to check the article just know 199 is the 46th prime!

     How many chromosomes does the human body possess again?  Crypto-Jews also equals 46 and its from this derogatory term that I suspect the term "crypto" itself became popular.  Of  their group, one of the most famous in world history was Jesuit Ignatius of Loyola who started the order in the first place.

    In a future blog I will be discussing this in great detail.

     For now check out this blog discussing it.  It's a really good read from The Millennium Report

     201, 156 & Tim Cook

     Getting to the meat of this, the order shows its ugly head yet again with 201 sightings on the same day we get possible SRA abuse in our headlines out from Baltimore. Tim Cook, 62, is the active CEO for Apple (with its Stock Ticker symbol: AAPL).  

    His birthday is on 1st day of the 11th month, 11 days before Arturo Sosa - the Superior General of the Jesuit Order.  That means his birthday was 156 days ago from the release of this article on the 6th of April. 

     Just so happens Apple equals 156 as does the term 'Thirty Three'.  [ (4) + (6) + (23) = 33]

     156 days also corresponds with 22 weeks and 2 days.  With the 22 in mind here are more matches:   

     Wait what do we know about 201? Quick history: 

    How The Jesuits Survived Suppression

     So with that being in mind we know 201 becomes an important number equaling survival or maybe triumph against all odds during a time where multiple kingdoms were ordering their expulsion from existence.  Wouldn't something like that contain elements of pride in it?  Similar to what we get with this:

     Are their any other prominent 201's in the article? Let's see: 

    (201 in reverse - honorable mentions)

     Why none other than Tim Cook himself of course!  That being the case what does this have anything to do with Bitcoin? 

    $28K BTC, Apples Bday and Nakamoto

    To answer that, let's ask a question here - what date was referenced in the headline?  2018?  When is Apples birthday - you guessed it!! April 1st 1976 -  17171 days ago till the making of the headlines on April 6th. The 17 referring to the date: (4) + (6) + 2+0+2+3 = 17

    (62 like Tim Cook's age currently, 102 reverse 201 + 218 reference to 2018 - the year in question)

    Satoshi Nakamoto = 55, Nakamoto = 282.  Now you gotta understand the date they are referencing would have been April 1st 2018 - 5 years and 5 days since April 1st 2018.  If you had a sneaking suspicion about that 1831 you guessed it, thats the 282nd prime.  

    Satoshi Nakamoto Full Reduction 55
    Nakamoto Agrippa or Latin Cipher 282

      So what's the Bitcoin news during this day just full of crazy coinky-dinks?   

     Still at $28K but gaining moment after Apple turns 47 and reveals its secretly obsessed with the coin. (Gematria = 74).   The news coming down now is that there is suppose to be more of a Bull run now in the narrative for BTC.  Do your own research and please talk to a credible financial advisor, but could be a good time to check out what Bitcoin is doing for yourself.   

    Will be discussing this on Rumble - follow me there (click here) 
    Twitter: @soln9ne 

    Thursday, April 6, 2023

    $400K BTC Scam Day Before Nakamotos Bday??


      Related  Date Numerology: 

    •   Day of Year: (Apr-4) = 94
    • Days Left in Year: (Apr-4) = 271
    • (4) + (4) + 2+0+2+3 = 15
    • (4) + (4) + (20) + (23) = 51
    • (4) + (4) + (23) = 31
    • 4 + 4 + 2+3 = 13

    Rumble Recap

    This is a recap of the video I made and posted on Rumble yesterday regarding 4/4 and Satoshi Nakamoto.  The day before "he turned 48", if he even exists, we had news in Toronto regarding a couple who had lost $400K approximately in a "Bitcoin scam". 

    BTC, 253 & Pi

     Most people living their lives would not be paying attention to this articles narrative and would just write it off but with us being so close to "All Seeing Eye Day" in the financial world which is April 29th, we have this news tied towards Bitcoin which is supposedly to be regulated towards that end sometime in the future.  That being said think of what Canada as a country went through during Valentines Day 2022 when the powers that should not be pressed a button and froze $7.8 M in assets for 8 days

    Of those funds 253 accounts were BTC related addresses.  How does that have significance?

     253 is the 22nd triangle number and 7th star number

     This only grows in seriousness when you realize that 22/7 gives you Pi.  The number most associated with not just calculating circles but a number tied to the esoteric simultaneously.   Taken from the website New Humanist from their article "Cult of Pi"
    Albert Einstein was born on Pi Day, while Stephen Hawking died on it. A very special Pi Day was 14 March 2015, or 3.14.15, which encapsulates the first five digits of pi. For most of us, it was a once-in-a-lifetime day
      Basically Pi is a number that has no end and usually shows up when we are discussing cycles of energy, water, time or space as examples.  In this instance this narrative suggests it was used to indicate a future date related with that but what? 

    Feb 22nd, 58 Weeks Later

     Exactly 58 weeks later on the day leaving 271 days left the 58th prime we have this story about the villainous cryptos who equaled 58 themselves!

     The term 'Gregorian' or 'Calendar' also equal 58 and fit with the "timing" of this story the day before Bitcoin creators 48th birthday.  Side note 'Gregorian' also equals 94 which has a lot to do with the day itself. 

      I have a question for you.  What are the actual odds of this happening? Taking into context the time span, the name and the terms associated all having something to do with the narrative of the story.  Is it less than 0.001% that you'd naturally or organically get that sort of exact numbered sequence? 

    94, Toronto & Bitcoin

     Tuesday equals 94 which is just another perfect match to the term Gregorian in context to how we measure our time in modern day. Tuesday is also the day this all went down the scamming of these older people using Bitcoin.  Just throwing it out there but what if this is a story to create more fear to stir the older generations money into financial regulators, as if they aren't doing enough of that already? 


    Here we have a perfect match between Bitcoin and Toronto.  It's just more gas on the fire at this point regarding what could be suspected as contrived, scripted news headlines.

    The Possible Strangeness of April 29th

      The pull to the story revolves around this mass amount of money, precisely $400,000 that went out the hands of a retiree couple.  The term $400K when entered into the calculator - leaves us with this: 

    The police are the ones who were able to solve this case ironically they equal the number we call them from but just in reverse: 

    Think of the centered control Bitcoin is under or will be under if not already regulated secretively. 

    This 119 also acts as the date: April 29th the 119th day of the year.  Do you remember that 56
    Well (4) + (29) + (23) = 56.  So the date numerology and the term "All Seeing Eye" match that April 29th date which is 26 days technically from the announcement of this headline but I'll ask you here, is it connected to the bank freeze of 22'?  If so, what are the odds of this being an organic narrative vs scripted and rehearsed?  Lets take a look at the time span: 


      What you are seeing here is that the Sumerian or older ciphers - which predate any monotheistic religion by thousands of years by the way.

     (check out Khorsabad - the city built with 16,283 cubits in mind to honor the name of the Assyrian King Sargon II at that time, meaning someone must of taught them to do which would age the use of what we term Gematria to further back in our history that usually mentioned.)

     So is something involving the Bank Freeze, Bitcoin and Toronto bound to happen on April the 29th?  Honestly I have no idea if it will or wont.  However what I do suspect is if something were to happen it may not be by chance.

    Follow me on Twitter: @soln9ne 
    Follow me on Rumble: CryptoxGematria 

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