Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Jon Benet Ramsey Netflix Gematria

 Tragedies happen to us as a society far to often.  Sometimes these tragedies make it to the right channels and authorities involved solve crimes.  As a result, some of those cases are shared with us as true crime.  Then there are cases that are not shared with us in the same light, sometimes creating a cover-up.  

In the case of Jon Benet Ramsey, let's go through the numerology to see what is shows, adding on to the evidence presented.  Let's determine together where their case belongs.


Let's start off with some facts.  Shall we take a look at her birthday? 

Please keep in mind (8) + (6) + 1+9+9+0 = 33





Was this some sort of subliminal predictive programming like what we see in the Simpsons all the time? 

It get's stranger when you check out the 201 associated with her passing.  The narrative suggests she died from "Asphyxia" or strangulation. 

It has the same value as the term "Overdose" which we see in cover-ups all the time dating all the way back to Marilyn Monroe and before her.  Could this be another numerological "oily rag" found after the fire? 

DNA Technology & 134


She passed on (12) + (26) + (96) = 134.   A value that is shared with John Ramsey.

It took exactly 602 weeks no days to clear both parents living in the home of the time of the murder of any wrong-doing with JonBenet's passing. 



Ramsey cleared 

When JonBenet died John Ramsey was the President of Access Graphics.

The murder took place on Christmas 96'


Please keep in mind that 191 is the 43rd prime number - it will become important see just below. 

He was cleared of the murder by the Colorado Justice system on July 9th or 79 


SRA in Single Reduction

The original murder took place in the astrological sign of Capricorn.


Now 97 is the 25th prime and 25 just so happens to be the date the Netflix documentary narrating John Ramsey's "intruder" plot was released. 



Yes that series was released on the 330th day of the year this year.  Exactly 2 weeks after John Ramsey's 81st year of life (he's 80 years old right now, when you were born it was your 1st year of life).

From the actual birthday of JonBenet Ramsey till the Netflix Documentary about her tragic murder: 





The same value as Netflix itself.  Please keep the 41 in mind - see below. 


Joe Berlinger, the docuseries author himself equals 41.  Begs the question numerically of out of all the people they could have chosen why pick someone with that exact name and more importantly, that value? 


Speaking of value, the narrative includes the "intruder" theory. 

Jon Benet Ramsey Netflix Gematria

  Tragedies happen to us as a society far to often.  Sometimes these tragedies make it to the right channels and authorities involved solve ...